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In the year from COP24 in Katowice to COP25 in Madrid, our membership – now 97 countries, sub-nationals and businesses – have been sharing how they are powering past coal and ensuring a just transition. Here we present some of the highlights.

PPCA member ministers announce increased ambition at a UK pavilion COP25 event

COP24, Katowice, December 2018 

  • Coal Free Day at the UK pavilion discussed the Just Transition away from coal.
  • Celebrating one year since our launch, we held a COP24 event outlining the progress and experience of PPCA members and partners. A packed room heard from Ministers on the efforts that members are taking to accelerate their transition away from coal-fired power generation.
  • Six new members – Israel, Senegal, City of Sydney, City of Melbourne, the Scottish Government and Scottish Power – announced they were joining the PPCA.
  • Bloomberg NEF launched a series of coal Insights on the PPCA website.
  • The World Bank, Canada, and the UK partnered to provide financial, technical and advisory support for developing countries that have decided to transition away from coal and accelerate the uptake of cleaner sources of energy.

March 2019

  • We premiered a documentary ‘Blueprint to Transition’ looking at the experience of the UK’s shift from coal power to clean energy, reducing CO2 emissions, expanding offshore wind power, and reinvigorating maritime communities.
  • Co-chair Canada welcomed the final report from an independent ‘Just Transition Taskforce’, providing advice from Canadian Coal Power Workers and Communities on what Canada could include in a just transition plan.

May 2019

  • Co-chairs Canada and the UK hosted a Global Coal Transition Dialogue at the 10th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) in Vancouver, providing a space for key CEM members who are frontrunners in the transition to low-carbon, climate resilient energy systems to share their experience and expertise on innovative approaches to energy transition.

London Climate Action Week, July 2019

August 2019

UN Climate Action Summit, September 2019

  • With growing demand for support on the transition from coal to clean energy, the PPCA responded by enabling membership for national governments that are in the process of developing and implementing ambitious actions on coal phase-out.
  • PPCA members Denmark, and Ethiopia hosted The Energy Action Forum at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York, convening high-level stakeholders to demonstrate a leap in collective ambition to accelerate action towards sustainable energy systems.
  • Seven new members – Germany, Slovakia, the State of New Jersey (USA), the Province of Negros Oriental (Philippines), Puerto Rico, AXA Investment Managers and Schroders – announced they were joining the PPCA during a special Ministerial session of the Energy Action Forum, hosted by PPCA members Denmark and Ethopia. The PPCA also extended its partnership with leading finance sector initiatives.

October 2019

COP25, Madrid, December 2019

At COP25, our new Secretariat team was on the ground, enabling national and sub-national, business and organisation members to share the policies helping them go Powering Past Coal. Members of our Just Transition Taskforce shared best practices and we announced six new members of the Alliance, bring our membership to 97 and driving momentum into 2020. Our events during COP25 included:

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