The next round of NDC submissions, due in early 2025 will be a critical moment to enable the policy planning and investments needed for a 1.5C-aligned coal phase-out. It is a window for action that cannot be missed. We encourage countries to develop Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that are ambitious, transparent, and supported by comprehensive stakeholder engagement processes and concrete implementation plans. The PPCA will continue to work with its partners and members to support the development of plans and policies on coal that will underpin the NDCs.
2025 NDCs are critical to delivering 1.5C
While NDCs are developed nationally, considering countries’ different circumstances, capacities, pathways, and approaches, together they form the primary vehicle for countries to collectively deliver on the emissions reductions needed to avoid catastrophic climate change and achieve the Paris Agreement’s temperature goal. In 2025, countries will look to submit new NDCs to 2035 and can revise their existing targets. In addition to the NDCs, countries may also develop long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LT-LEDs, or Long-Term Strategies/ LTSs) and national implementation/energy plans.
The communication of these NDCs is a critical moment for all countries to respond to and implement the outcomes of the first Global Stocktake (GST) agreed at COP28, including to transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems, accelerate efforts to phase down unabated coal power and triple renewable energy capacity by 2030. As UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell, has said: “This next round of NDCs may be the most important documents to be produced in a multilateral context so far this century.”
The science is clear: coal is the single largest source of carbon emissions and needs to be phased out first and fastest to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. To keep 1.5°C within reach, countries need to immediately stop building new coal power plants, and phase out existing ones by 2030 in advanced economies, and 2040 in all other countries. However, among the current NDCs, only 9% include a reference to plans, policies, and measures on coal.
Including clear commitments in NDCs, implementation plans, national energy plans or LTSs, not only helps mitigate climate change, but also increases the credibility of government actions. It provides the certainty and clear signals required to attract the finance, support, and private sector investment that is needed to deliver a successful energy transition. It also enables countries to unlock opportunities for economic development, job creation and affordable and stable power supply that can accompany a power sector transition from coal to clean.
NDCs and energy plans need to reflect accelerated transition from coal to clean
The NDCs create an opportunity to advance domestic action and international collaboration on coal phase-out. The PPCA encourages all countries to develop NDCs that are ambitious, transparent, and supported by comprehensive stakeholder engagement processes and concrete implementation plans. In particular, we encourage:
- All countries to commit to stop building new unabated coal power plants.
- OECD include plans to phase out unabated coal power by 2030.
- non-OECD countries include plans that reflect a pathway to phase out unabated coal power by 2040.
- All countries to include the principle of just transition to support and protect coal-dependent communities and workers during the energy transition, such as through social dialogue.
PPCA will continue to support the implementation of COP28 commitments
The Powering Past Coal Alliance will continue to work with its coalition of national and subnational governments, businesses and organisations to advance the transition from unabated coal power to clean energy. The PPCA will collaborate with partners to highlight some of the support available and best practices to develop robust energy plans to underpin updated NDCs.
- The PPCA Co-Chairs, the United Kingdom and Canada, and Bloomberg Philanthropies are convening the Solutions Dialogues, a series of events hosted by our members and partners around the world. The Dialogues will draw on insights from first movers and international experts to support 1.5°C aligned coal phase-out policy development and implementation that can inform upcoming NDCs and net-zero LTSs. They will address challenges related to early coal retirement, just transition and security of supply.
- The PPCA is also supporting the work of the Coal Transition Commission (CTC). Co-chaired by the governments of France and Indonesia, the CTC is bringing together relevant international organisations and countries, to unlock new sources of financing for coal transitions in ways that ensure a just transition and access to affordable, reliable and clean energy for all.
- The PPCA’s partners and members are doing excellent work to tangibly support and advance the coal to clean transition. We continue to invite them to share their best practices and resources through our platform.