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Subnational members commit to using all policy and regulatory levers under their authority to phase out unabated coal power in line with the PPCA Declaration.

Subnational government members of the PPCA commit to using all policy and regulatory levers under their authority to phase out unabated coal power in line with the PPCA Declaration: by 2030 for countries in the OECD and by 2040 for the rest of the world.  In addition, they aim to encourage the national government, other subnational governments, and businesses in their respective countries to do the same.

These new members demonstrate growing global momentum behind the phase-out of unabated coal power generation. Their diversity and depth of experience reflects the increasing number of jurisdictions that share our ambition to take action to accelerate clean growth and climate protection. 

Members of the Powering Past Coal Alliance agree that phasing out unabated coal power is one of the most important steps governments can take to tackle climate change and meet our commitment to keep global temperature increase well below 2°C, and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. 

Individually and collectively they help demonstrate that a transition from coal is beneficial both economically and socially, finding collaborative win-win solutions and positively influencing their national governments. 

South East Asia

South Korea 

In South Korea, 8 subnational governments are home to about 80% of the country’s total coal capacity and are PPCA members. Operating 46 coal power plants (out of the total 60), they are both the largest emitters of greenhouse gases and bear the greatest cost of the associated air pollution. As local governments in Korea do not have direct control over power plants that operate within their boundaries, influencing policymaking at the national level is their best tool to transition away from coal to more environmentally friendly energy sources and thus help prevent the worst impacts of the climate crisis, increase competitiveness and protect the health of their residents. 


PPCA member Kyoto City is leading the way on coal phase out in Japan. The country’s current energy mix for 2030 includes 36-38% of renewable energy, but still utilises 19% of coal. In line with the most recent climate science, OECD countries must immediately stop construction of any new coal power plants and phase out coal power generation by 2030. For a country like Japan with a large share of coal power, charting this path can be a daunting challenge. In absence of a clear timeline for phasing out emissions from coal power, cities are stepping forward to lead the way. 

Since joining the Alliance, Kyoto City has taken an active role in accelerating the country’s transition from coal to renewables and positioned itself as a leader on coal phase out in Japan. Its goal is to become a carbon free model city and share its experience with the national government. 

Around the world 

In 2021, the Alliance has also welcomed its first subnational governments and from Poland and South Africa, and increased its subnational membership in  the Philippines and the US, strengthening its influence on the transition of these coal-dependent countries.  

On 7 September 2022, key leaders and government officials from subnational jurisdictions and industry gathered in Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea, to share expertise and experience in phasing out coal-power generation in favour of clean energy sources.   

There, the Alliance expanded its membership to include the state of Colorado, USA, which committed to phasing out its last coal plant by the end of 2030. Before negotiations under the Polis Administration and stakeholders from labour, local communities, energy producers, and electric utilities, Colorado would have closed its last coal plant in 2070. Colorado will instead switch off the plant by 1st January 2031 –40 years ahead of schedule. 

Explore more of our subnational government members’ work below.

PPCA Declaration

The PPCA Declaration was launched on 16 November 2017, at COP23 in Bonn. It sets out our collective commitment to accelerate the transition from coal to clean energy. We commit to achieve that phase-out in a sustainable and economically inclusive way, including appropriate support for workers and communities. We will also encourage our peers to join us in the Powering Past Coal Alliance to build a better world for our kids and grandkids.

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