Join us at 2.30PM, Wednesday 12 September, Merchants Exchange Club, San Francisco.

On the margins of the Global Climate Action Summit, the Powering Past Coal Alliance and Bloomberg Philanthropies are proud to host an event to showcase how subnational governments are supporting the global phase-out of unabated coal-fired electricity.
An exclusive screening of a breakthrough film showcasing coal phase-out in Washington state will be followed by presentations from speakers from governments and organizations on how they are transitioning away from coal.
We are honoured to have the participation of:
- Ailun Yang – International Program Officer, Environment Team, Bloomberg Philanthropies
- Hon. Lesley Griffiths AM – Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning, and Rural Affairs, Wales
- Candice Johnston – Director, Coal Transition, Electricity and Sustainable Energy, Alberta
- David Danner – Chairman of Transportation and Utilities Commission, Washington State
- Adam Zurofsky – Deputy Secretary for Energy and Financial Services, Office of New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo
- Colleen Regan – Head of US Utilities and Market Reform, Bloomberg New Energy Finance
- Paul Bodnar – Managing Director, Rocky Mountain Institute
A discussion between our presenters on the challenges and solutions to coal phase-out will follow the presentations, co-moderated by Canada’s Ambassador for Climate Change Ms. Patricia Fuller, and the UK Special Representative for Climate Change, Mr. Nick Bridge.
Closing remarks will be provided by Minister Denis Naughten TD, Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Republic of Ireland.
The event will be followed by time for networking and refreshments.
Bringing together countries, regions, cities, and businesses, this event will show that the phase-out of unabated coal is not only good and possible – but it is already underway.
To request an invitation, please contact: secretariat@poweringpastcoal.org
Event Details
14:30-17:00, Wednesday 12 September 2018
Location: Merchants Exchange Club, 75 Leidesdorff Street, San Francisco, CA, 94104